Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum & Beyond

Welcome to our services for folks on the journey to parenthood.

This may include pregnancy, birth, baby feeding, postpartum, loss, fostering or adoption.

It Takes a Village This is a pre-requisite before giving birth, is meant for partners too, and is free!

Heart Connection Captures mindfulness examples through 4 chapters in the journey to becoming parents. This workshop is easily tailored for all ways of becoming parents, fostering or adopting or other.

Blossom Birth Art Designed for couples, pregnant people, and postpartum with a focus on emotional and heart-centered preparation.

Labor & Birth Anatomy Physiology We review the basics of labor, birth, and immediately postpartum through watching the Injoy education video with guided dialogue by Caroline

Pilates for the Reproductive Journey Designed to walk you through Mat Pilates fundamentals a sustainable routine meeting you where you are in your reproductive journey. Our custom designed Postpartum eBook is FREE sent to your email along with a Welcome letter with the purchase of any course or session. Pilates for Pelvic Floor and Core eBook coming soon.